Friday, 20 August 2010



This is a jumbly post (all of my blog posts are) today!

FIRST UP. The Japanese Art Festival is this weekend! If you're in London visiting, or if you live in London and you like/love Japan and all things related, then why not go visit? I haven't been asked to advertise this in any way, I just think it looks like a neat event and as I've mentioned before, me and the girls will be performing there, so yeah! We are only performing on Sunday 22nd now due to "stage booked up" which is a bit annoying seeing as the organizer seeked us out and asked us months and months ago :z

Japanese Art Festival
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd August 2010
Conway Hall
25 Red Lion Square
London WC1R 4RL

I did some clothes shopping a little while back and didn't show you guys what I bought!

And I got these sunglasses for free because I spent over £35 :D



My hello kitty mouse came in the mail on...Tuesday, I think I might have already mentioned, but it's so cute! It lights up! And my new mousemat came yesterday so All I need now is the cover/case I ordered and im all set!
Note: NOT where I bought the mouse from lol....

While I was searching for these images I came across this!!!! A Hello Kitty phone! And not the ugly small pink one people usually get off eBay! (Sorry if you have bought that one and are stuck with it....)

$455!!!!! damn expensive.
My fake tan also came, yay! A Fake Bake trio of 1)Original tanning lotion 2)Body polish and 3)Skin smoothie oil

It's the old style sticker on the front, the classic gold girl, but the products are still in date and fine to use :D

Today I went into town to exchange the fur gilet I bought (in previous blog) for a smaller size, and I also bought dry shampoo that I can take on the plane with me, as its not a can, but a small squeezy bottle of powder instead. I've also been going over the routine that we're performing on Sunday and trying to get as much practise in with my heels on as I can! I think im doing the routine in like 5" heels! Could be wrong, could be more!! haha. It's okay though, I haven't fallen over...yet lol

Luckily I can practise because I had to leave work early yesterday because of chest pains again. It sucks so bad! I've been told it's just muscular pain but my parents seem to think otherwise. It hurts still today, but at least I can walk and breathe! Usually im completely knocked out and can't stand up, walk, or breathe in or out, and it's agony ¬_¬ So, hopefully, it won't kick in while im performing! It doesn't usually happen WHILE im doing something, it usually happens when im like, sitting down, or completely relaxed :z *sigh*

That's it for now...will update again maybe this weekend!


  1. nice shopping *__*
    i hope you get well soon, chest pain sucks so bad! actually i had kinda the same symptoms about 2 years ago. the doctors said it's no biggie! and 6 months later, when it went too far (started to feel really really bad, weird cramp attacks in the stomach/chest and stuff, horrible!), the doctors finally realized i had gallstone. so be careful, and don't trust what the doctors say (lol)!
