Sunday, 25 July 2010


Here I am! I told you I would return >; D

I noticed this yesterday but am posting it today...why doesn't she just dye all of her hair blonde again???! I miss crazy brown and extreme makeup Aina! You're letting the side down girl!

So yesterday I wrote about the blog award I was given by Aki, and im here today to write the blogs that I think deserve this award!

1. Claire; Oh So Glam - I really love her Galspiration posts! And im impressed that she's getting more into Gal all the time! Nice one! I also realised that she gave me a blog award a little while ago but I didn't know how it worked so I never mentioned it! Sorry girl! >.<

2. Mitsu; Universal Doll - She needs an award! Her blog posts are always so helpful, and I can definitely feel really confident when I go to Japan knowing how to do more stuff without feeling really touristy and fangirly!

3. Sara; Moments Like Diamonds - Her photos from Japan are really fantastic, and it feels like im kind of there, as I never really got to see much of the country when I was there. Her co-ordinate posts inspire me to make some of my own!

4. Julia; Malibu Stacy Blog - Her photo spams are EXCELLENT! I love seeing the new things she has bought (with envy) and seeing all the fun gals she gets to hang out with!

Of course there are other blogs that stand out to me, so if you didn't see your name up here, its not because I don't like what you post! These blogs stand out to me the most at this time and I can't wait to see more from them!

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