Thursday, 29 April 2010

one year & hair colouring


Im going to start my blog off a little mushy... ; )

On tuesday it was me and my boyfriend's one year! Haha! I can't believe its been a whole year already! When we met, I never thought that things would go as far as they have, but im really glad they did. We couldn't spend the day together as I was at work and in the evening he went to go and see Ricky Gervais with his friends, but on Wednesday night (last night) he stayed at mine and cooked for me! us!
He cooked us steak, and all the other stuff that goes with it. I love going out to eat with him too, but having a great meal served by your man is wonderful! I haven't got any photos because I was too hungry, but it tasted good so thats all the info you need...

His friend said that he reads my blog sometimes...I wonder if he will read this one? And say "Tom your girlfriend said that I read your blog and she wrote about it"... I do write about really random things sometimes but its the way forward! I swear!

Now! Onto some business-like stuff. Im finally getting my hair coloured and sorted out on Saturday. Unfortunately I couldn't have it done tomorrow because I did try to book it a little late, but its cool. Im getting not only my roots done and my hair cut, but a whole NEW colour too! Its so difficult to decide though! Im a proud Aina Tanaka whore and im choosing one of her hair colours...but im not sure now! I was definitely decided and I checked out her blog today and have been swayed again!

Here is the colour I was totally decided on:

It looks completely different in different lights but thats what I like about it. Mine is just blonde. Actually thats a lie, its bleach blonde. Pros and cons of this hair colour:

1. Its a sexy colour that will look good in all lighting - camera, outdoor, indoor, dark, bright
2. It looks good any style - curled, straight, up, down etc
3. Aina had it, but has had it a few times ; )
4. It won't make me look like a slag (which im NOT)
5. I can get cheaper extensions. #613 extensions are damn £££!
6. Its not too dark, and its not too light. I want to go slightly darker than the colour I am now but still stay quite bright, so this is perfect inbetween for me
7. It will suit my skintone
8. Layers will look better (and you can see them) with this hair colour. Current hair colour = what layers?

1. Aina obviously has some highlights in, which I haven't yet tried and am sure sure whether to experiment with or not
2. I will have to colour my eyebrows. My eyebrows are brown and won't look amazing with this shade. They look fine at the moment, but they won't for much longer
3. My roots could be a problem. If you look, Aina's roots are a bit darker than the rest of the hair colour because theyve been bleached etc. Ill still have to get root touch up for this colour and not leave my roots for ages
4. What if it doesn't suit my short hair? Or suit my face without makeup? That sounds really dumb, but its true!

So, more pros than cons...its obviously ideal right? Well, it WAS until I saw her new faded colour:

Its GORGEOUS! She had her hair coloured pink and this is the faded out result. It makes her look more adult and really suits her skintone. Pros and cons to this colour:

1. Bleach blonde really is a cultured colour, but everyone has it....this colour would make me look older and better!
2. It will suit my skintone
3. Layers will look better (and you can see them) with this hair colour. Current hair colour = what layers?
4. It won't make me look like a slag (which im NOT)
5. I can get cheaper extensions. #613 extensions are damn £££!
6. Its a sexy colour that will look good in all lighting - camera, outdoor, indoor, dark, bright

1. Its a difficult colour to get right. This is the faded result of a previous haircolour...whats to say it won't fade even lighter? (which it will)
2. It will wash out sooo quickly. Like, I can't dye my hair pink and wait for it to fade!
3. Damaged hair will show up more in this colour
4. I'll have to colour my eyebrows
5. Roots could be a problem

Its so close for this one with like pros and cons..... I don't know!

Can you guys help me decide?


  1. Aw congrats on the year girl :) I like the first colour, it fun and can go with many looks :)

  2. I vote the first one~
    It'll suit your skin tone a lot better and is more versatile with this seasons colour pallets.

    The second one is gorgeous too but i think the faded pinky parts would be way too harsh against your skin colour.

  3. i'd say get the first colour done and ask them about highlights but don't get too much done to it cause it's easier to add stuff later but harder to take it out once its done!!

    awwh though bless you and tom!!!

  4. I like the first one but yeah, it's hard to decide. You could also do a combo of both colors if it's totally hopeless. But then again that needs alot of work :/ (and haircolor)

    Good luck! ^^ Looking foward to see what you decide.

  5. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! It sounds like you had a very nice celebration of it^^

    Oh I don't think I can be of help deciding about the hair color. Both are so lovely. I like the faded out pink personally, but the blonde will be easier to maintain/coordinate I think.

  6. @clairey: okay! thanks : D

    @emmie: this is true. thats the thing, its like, it can be dodgy, so like one bit could be pinker than the other

    @lucie: okay! i shall do^^ aw thanks!

    @maria: I didn't even think about combo-ing the colours! But I can see that could go drastically wrong...:( thank you!

    @sara: thank you! yeah, it was quiet, but cute :D
    this is my point exactlyyyyy. gah. so difficult!

    anyways, thanks girls!

  7. Thank you for your comment on my blog again, you are so sweet^^

    I'm the loser haha, you should see how I dress at school! I've been wearing the same clothes for the past 3 days XP

    Oh do you dream about Japan? Yeah that's so exciting that you will travel there. October seems so far away, but I imagine it's going to be here so soon!

  8. defo go with the first colour...its hot and so much easier to maintain! Can you remember when gaby's hair was pink, it didnt take too long for it to fade to that colour, but just imagine doing your roots....and getting the extensions right!!!!

    congrats on the one year with the man!!!! my one year is coming soon too :D
